Retaining ties to the Alma Mater

Graduation at the WU is a life-changing experience for many people. It marks an important milestone following years of study, a period which brought many challenges as well as joy. Even after graduation, however, your alma mater can still remain part of your life as a "spiritual mother". This is more than just an educational institution: The WU is the driving force behind personal success, it promotes identity and friendships, and teaches the meaning of social values.

Proud to be WU Alumni?

Are you proud of your WU degree and your personal career? Then contact us! We want to present as many diverse career and life paths as possible.

WU is Proud of its Alumni!

CEO, Siemens AG Österreich

„Meine Studienzeit an der WU Wien waren wunderbare Jahre. Dazu zählen engagierte Professor/inn/en und Assistent/inn/en und auch viele Freundschaften, die damals entstanden sind und bis heute halten. Die vielfältigen Inhalte und die verschiedenen Perspektiven, die mir im Studium begegnet sind, haben mich geprägt und mein Leben beeinflusst. Es ist schön zu sehen, wie die WU sich laufend weiterentwickelt und mit Freude unterstütze ich daher die WU und ihre Initiativen.“

Senior Expert Organizational Effectiveness, OMV AG

Das Studium der Internationalen Betriebswirtschaft an der WU hat mir die Tore für eine abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Karriere geöffnet. Einerseits, weil Alumni der WU im Fokus renommierter Arbeitgeber*innen stehen, andererseits weil ich vom globalen Partneruniversitätsnetzwerk der WU und den Stipendienmöglichkeiten profitieren konnte. Nach acht Jahren beruflicher Tätigkeit im Ausland empfing mich meine Alma Mater mit offenen Armen bei spannenden Veranstaltungen sowie zuletzt beim Wise Women of WU Mentoring Programm. Dafür sage ich DANKE!

Vorstandsvorsitzende der Erste Bank Österreich

„Das Studium an der WU hat mich ermutigt, der Welt jeden Tag mit Neugierde und Optimismus zu begegnen, sie jeden Tag aufs Neue verstehen zu wollen und dabei auch in schwierigen Situationen durchzuhalten. Als CEO gehört das zu meinen wichtigsten Aufgaben: Dinge zu verstehen, sie zu durchdringen, um dann gute Entscheidungen für unsere 3,8 Mio. KundInnen und mehr als 15.000 MitarbeiterInnen zu treffen. Ich sehe es als meinen Auftrag im Sinne der Erste Bank, Österreich als Wirtschaftsstandort weiterzubringen, die Menschen, die hier leben, zu unterstützen und ihnen Zugang zu Wohlstand zu ermöglichen. Die WU hat dabei für die richtige Grundausstattung an Knowledge und Knowhow gesorgt.“

Expert in organizational transformation and leadership development

Supporting and helping my alma mater, working together on shaping its future, is of great importance to me. I see the WU as a source of inspiration and of personal development. Exchanging ideas and working together with people from various fields and walks of life is a continuous asset.

SAP Berater bei CNT Management Consulting

"Die Alumni Community der WU bietet unzählige Veranstaltungen an, welche mir nicht nur einen spannenden Wissensaustausch ermöglichen, sondern auch die Gelegenheit unglaublich inspirierende und bedeutsame Persönlichkeiten kennenzulernen."

Presenter, managing editor and editorial journalist, ORF Wien heute

"The education at the Vienna University of Economics and Business was challenging, intensive and game-changing. I have been able to use my specialization in advertising and what I have learned perfectly in my professional life and still do. The completed doctoral program finally enabled the scientific examination and deepening of economic topics. My studies made it easier for the to understand, classify and process often complicated and complex economic circumstances. The knowledge gained is enduring."

Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

"For me, the WU was a special place from the very beginning, an impressive campus and a clearly different wind blew here in the midst of its very good teaching and targeted student body.

Internationally oriented, demanding and encouraging, highly professional and state of the art - my time at the WU was formative for me, not only in terms of what was conveyed to me, but also how you should acquire knowledge and practical applications, which topics present themselves and how to get on with everyday university life, cooperating and sometimes by yourself."

Executive Director Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG, Vienna Insurance Group

“My graduation from the WU was a milestone in my life. Not only did my studies give me the tools for a solid foundation in business, but also confidence in my own ability and courage to achieve more. This attitude has helped me at all points of my career.”

President and CEO Western Union

"The WU taught me the basics that were necessary for the development of my international career. I also developed my passion for lifelong learning here. This passion continues to motivate me today and also drives me in my role as CEO of one of the world's most global companies."

CEO ÖBB Infrastruktur AG

“This is where I discovered my interest in economic policy and learned to accept challenges – target-oriented, open-minded and curious.”

Head of Marketing & Sales, Josef Manner & Comp. AG

"Studying at WU had a formative impact on my career. I not only took the technical tools with me for a career in business, but also got to know companions that I keep meeting. For decades I had a continued positive contact and exchange with former teachers. Scientific work and a large portion of teaching content have prepared me for everyday working life, especially when dealing with complex situations in a structured manner. The reputation of the university was also an advantage, especially when entering professional life."

Chief Corporate Affairs and Communications Officer Western Union

"At the WU, in addition to the basics of economics, I learned that determination and flexibility are not contradictory, but complementary success factors. The WU has prepared me well for a career in an international environment."

Managing Director Distribution, Marketing & Sales ENGEL HOLDING GmbH

“As a graduate of the Vienna University of Economics, I am proud to work in a responsible position at a leading Austrian company, despite being relatively young. The training and education I received at the WU had and still has a considerable influence on my career development. Even 11 years after graduating I still like to reflect on my time at the WU Vienna and still feel very attached to the university.”

Founder sososocial – Agency for Social Media & Influencer Marketing and author & owner of www.sophiehearts.com

“In addition to all the business know-how, I learned to organise myself and take responsibility. These tratis helped give me the courage to become self-employed.”

Managing Director at A-Trust

"It gives me great pleasure to be part of the WU family. I was an honorary hub manager in the Czech Republic for 10 years and would now like to continue to contribute to WU's success as a promoter of the Innovator category".

Managing Director and CFO Austrian Post International Deutschland GmbH

"My degree at the WU enabled me to make a seamless transition into the world of work and, in addition to the classical economic basics, I also acquired essential skills such as being able to react flexibly to changes, setting priorities and keeping an eye on a timetable. These skills help me to advance my career."

Co-Founder and Managing Director at hokify

“The WU is a hotspot for motivated young entrepreneurs and people with high potential. The WU Alumni Community provides a network beyond their studies.”

Publishing Manager medianet.group GmbH

"During my studies at the WU Executive Academy, I built a large network of lecturers and students. The wide range of events on offer enables me to cultivate these friendships even after my studies".

Managing Director Blaupapier Bildretusche Produktion Ges.m.b.H.

"The education I received at WU gave me the tools I needed to start my self-employment and for the positive development of our company."

Interim secretary-​general, WU Rector's Office

"I am a WU alumnus and WU employee. I have always been proud to be a WU graduate because we went through a hard school and really had to achieve a lot, and I am proud of the WU as it is as well as where it is heading, e.g. to a more colorful group that has a sense of social responsibility. A university that welcomes and supports its students and as a place of first-class research, where research results are also integrated into the classroom. With my regular donation, I also support my alma mater on its way into the future".

General Manager illycaffè S.p.A. Austria

"The WU gave me a solid professional base and taught me the importance of being well-organized. I especially appreciated the quality and variety of its offers. The opportunity to study abroad for two semesters with the Erasmus program did not only enrich me professionally and culturally but also opened important doors for my career."

Managing Director Cassiopeia

I am proud to be a WU alumnus because WU, as one of the largest business schools in Europe, offers an excellent study program and is constantly improving. During my studies, I made many friendships, which I still maintain today.