We invite you to support the WU!

Those who have studied at the WU know how challenging it is. That’s what has made our graduates what they are today. Now the WU is asking you once again for your personal commitment: Make a donation and move the WU another step along the path to excellence. Your contribution can make the world a little bit better by enabling students, professors, researchers and teachers to make new findings in the economic sciences. Your donation will help to attract "the brightest minds for a brighter future". It is only with these bright minds and your help that the WU can achieve excellence.

Brilliant ideas with impact.
Thinking forward!

Your donation can support the next generation of bright students to enjoy a great education, regardless of their backgrounds and bank balances. The donations go towards stipends and study grants offered by the WU, our mentoring programme and much else besides.  

Your contribution will help fund additional chairs, guest professors, university equipment etc., and thereby strengthen the WU as a centre of knowledge.

Knowledge is an economic factor.

You may ask: “Aren’t universities already financed by the state?” The answer is yes… but only to ensure basic activities. Excellence requires more: Highly-qualified lecturers and the best students can only be attracted by an optimal and world-beating environment for learning and research. That is precisely what we need at the WU. And, of course, knowledge is the strongest motor for innovation, ensuring that Austria remains a business hub.  

WU forever!
or "I am World Trade!"

When asked in the autumn of 2018 what the WU had contributed to their lives, hundreds of Economic and Business graduates took time to reply (here are some short extracts):