Stipendien für Ukrainische Forscher*innen

Die WU unterstützt zusammen mit der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) geflüchtete ukrainische Wissenschafter*innen im Rahmen des JESH-Ukraine Programms.  Neben der ukrainischen Staatsangehörigkeit und einem abgeschlossenen PhD/Doktorat, benötigte man für die Bewerbung vor allem ein Unterstützungsschreiben einer österreichischen Forschungseinrichtung. Zahlreiche Departments und Institute an der WU waren bereit, solch ein Unterstützungsschreiben auszustellen.

Trotz der hohen Anzahl an Bewerbungen mit der sich die ÖAW konfrontiert sah, erhielten bereits sieben Anträge die Zusage für ein Stipendium an der WU. Das Stipendium läuft zwei Monate und wird mit monatlich 2700€ vergütet. Nähere Infos unter:

Nun stellen sich zwei Kandidatinnen vor, die ihre Forschungstätigkeit an der WU bereits aufgenommen haben:


Viktoriia Hurochkina

My name is Viktoriia Hurochkina and I’m from the State Tax University, located in Irpin, in the Kyiv region.

In my research, I like to work with big data, and economic and mathematical modeling has always fascinated me. Currently, the main focus of my research interests is the study of the emerging qualities of the economic system in a high-risk environment. In 2020, I defended my dissertation on “Financial and integration mechanisms for the development of industrial enterprises in the emergent economy.” The paper identifies the main directions of economic system transformation, which are based on economic risks that contribute to bifurcation and have a direct impact on the development of industrial enterprises.

For the past two months, my country has been at war with Russia. On February 24, the lives of the Ukrainian people were transformed into a new reality. We experienced how our needs, desires, values, opportunities, and our fellow human beings and their attitude towards us changed at the same time. True friends are tested in times of trouble. Along with all Ukrainians, I’m infinitely grateful for the support of the European Community in such difficult times. I have a great desire to continue to engage in scientific and pedagogical activities, primarily for my moral recovery.

For this reason, I applied for the ÖAW scholarship at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, WU. Here I will be continuing my research for the next two months, working on a topic that is currently relevant to my research interests: “Regulation and control of transfer pricing as an instrument of fiscal policy of countries in the system of strengthening international economic security.” I have a great desire to resume my scientific work and lifestyle and continue my research for the purpose of strengthening international economic security. I am delighted with the institute so far, and I’m enjoying the outstanding atmosphere, motivating, inspiring personalities, and inexhaustible opportunities for developing social capital.


Olena Sushkova

My name is Olena Sushkova, I have been working as an associate professor for more than 15 years, the last seven years at the State Tax University (Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine). Regarding my professional experience, I have done a lot of research on public finance, in particular in the field of taxation. My PhD thesis was devoted to the differentiated approach to tax regulation of economic development of the region. My latest research focuses on identifying risky taxpayers and combating tax evasion or avoidance. I have worked closely with government agencies, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine, etc. I also participated in the preparation and discussion of recommendations for improving tax policy in Ukraine. I also have experience in providing expert advice on economic issues to businesses.

Although I had plans for the further development of my professional activities and my personal self-development, these were cut short on February 24, when Russia attacked my country and the war began. There was a lot of shooting from tanks, rocket explosions over the houses, nights spent in a cold basement, air raid sirens, etc. March of this year was full of changes of location and long and exhausting trips, which I managed thanks to my family and all my friends and colleagues who helped and supported me during this difficult time.

One day, I received a message from a friend with a link to a scholarship program for Ukrainian scientists that is funded by the ÖAW (Austrian Academy of Sciences). For this application, a supporting institution was needed, and the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) agreed to support my application. This means that I now have the opportunity to continue my research activities at the Transfer Pricing Center, Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, focusing on the Fiscal Policy Eco-Consciousness Index. The scholarship period is two months, i.e. until the beginning of June 2022.